Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009

On a rainy day like this, good music can only do good. After falling head-over-heels in love with Dirty Projectors' "Bitte Orca" earlier this year and then seeing them doing the most wonderful live gig at Øyafestivalen, their coming EP "Temecula Sunrise" is truly anticipated. Here's a newly released track from Temecula, "Ascending Melody". Such beautiful harmonies and guitars. If you ever get a chance to see them live, go for it!
Ascending Melody
Ascending Melody
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Die slow
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A pair of forest green platforms

I truly love A.P.C.'s classic and supersimple look. And I just found these shoes on Ebay which now make me cry over my size 40 feet, which are two sizes too big for them. You guys should go for it if you're a size 38. Just 100 Australian bucks! You'll probably feel like a ten year old, but that's ok anyway.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Giovanna Battaglia
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I've got a new favourite album and it's Atlas Sound's (aka Bradford Cox from Deerhunter) Logos. Check out Shelia, Quick Canal (with Laetitia Sadier from Stereolab), Washington School, Logos and The Light That Failed. And the entire album.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Liquid Silk Trench Coat

Ever since I saw the photo of stylist/designer Rita Liefhebber wearing this coat (her own design), I've been wanting it badly. A liquid silk trench coat in grey would definitely lighten up my heavy almost all-black wardrobe.
As you may have seen, I've changed the layout of my blog quite radically. I think it reflects where I'm at in life right now and what I personally want to express. And by the way, I'll only be blogging in English from now on. Sorry, Norwegian readers (though most of you are all very capable in English).
As you may have seen, I've changed the layout of my blog quite radically. I think it reflects where I'm at in life right now and what I personally want to express. And by the way, I'll only be blogging in English from now on. Sorry, Norwegian readers (though most of you are all very capable in English).
Friday, October 9, 2009
A sudden stream of inspiration

I dag
Har jeg på meg: Acnes herlige Last-leggings og Morgan-sko med 3 cm høy gummisåle (ekstra høyde!), American Apparels supermyke hvite t-skjorte og en slapp secondhand denimskjorte
Hører jeg på: Nite Jewel - Bottom Rung og Marvin Gaye
Gjør jeg: blar gjennom hundrevis av lagrede bilder fra moteukene og henger med fine venninner
Inspireres jeg av: blant annet Dries Van Notens sminke/hår på visningen fra A/W 2009, Valentine Fillol-Cordier, Costume Nationals kampanjer, pene herremenn, Osman Yousefzada-sko og Richard Nicolls kjoler.
Hører jeg på: Nite Jewel - Bottom Rung og Marvin Gaye
Gjør jeg: blar gjennom hundrevis av lagrede bilder fra moteukene og henger med fine venninner
Inspireres jeg av: blant annet Dries Van Notens sminke/hår på visningen fra A/W 2009, Valentine Fillol-Cordier, Costume Nationals kampanjer, pene herremenn, Osman Yousefzada-sko og Richard Nicolls kjoler.
I'm wearing: Acnes great Last-leggings and Morgan-sneakers with a 3 cm high sole (for extra height!), American Apparels supersoft white t-shirt and casual second hand denim shirt
I'm listening to: Nite Jewel - Bottom Rung and Marvin Gaye
Inspired by: the hair and make-up from Dries Van Noten's A/W 2009-show, Valentine Fillol-Cordier, Costume National's campaigns, well-dressed men, Osman Yousefzada-shoes and Richard Nicoll's dresses.
I'm listening to: Nite Jewel - Bottom Rung and Marvin Gaye
Inspired by: the hair and make-up from Dries Van Noten's A/W 2009-show, Valentine Fillol-Cordier, Costume National's campaigns, well-dressed men, Osman Yousefzada-shoes and Richard Nicoll's dresses.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fashion week favourites part 1
Mine favoritter fra moteukene i New York og London (ah, som jeg elsker London FW!) er: Richard Nicholls monokrome kombinasjoner og perfekte sko, Louise Goldins strikkede Madonna-brystholdere, Peter Pilottos mesterverk av noen kjoler, Preens kamelfargede cardiganer med skulderputer, Jaeger Londons feminine plagg, Christopher Kanes (relativt skuffende ellers) enkle og pene kjoler, Cynthia Rowleys ensfargede shortsdrakt, Erdems mangfoldige floralkjoler, Luellas ekstremt søte kåper og sist, men ikke minst Burberry Prorsums herlige pastellfargede kreasjoner.
My favourites from New York and London Fashion Week (oh, how I love London FW!) are: Richard Nicholl, Louise Goldin, Peter Pilotto, Preen, Jaeger London, Christopher Kane, Cynthia Rowley, Erdem, Luella and of course Burberry Prorsum.
My favourites from New York and London Fashion Week (oh, how I love London FW!) are: Richard Nicholl, Louise Goldin, Peter Pilotto, Preen, Jaeger London, Christopher Kane, Cynthia Rowley, Erdem, Luella and of course Burberry Prorsum.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Scenic 2

Jeg kjøpte meg nettopp en fantastisk vinterjakke som jeg har siklet lenge etter, nemlig Acnes Scenic 2. Beskrivelsen Acne selv formidler er perfekt: "Cocoon shape handstitched wool coat with a 1950's couture feel to it. Beautiful, clean finish with hidden double breasted buttoning." Enkel jakke en kan bruke til alt og som kommer til å holde meg varm i mange vintre fremover!
I just bought an amazing winter coat which I've been eyeing for a long time, Scenic 2 from Acne. Acne describes it so well: "Cocoon shape handstitched wool coat with a 1950's couture feel to it. Beautiful, clean finish with hidden double breasted buttoning." A simple and very wearable coat which is going to keep me warm for many winters to come!
I just bought an amazing winter coat which I've been eyeing for a long time, Scenic 2 from Acne. Acne describes it so well: "Cocoon shape handstitched wool coat with a 1950's couture feel to it. Beautiful, clean finish with hidden double breasted buttoning." A simple and very wearable coat which is going to keep me warm for many winters to come!
Friday, September 18, 2009

Jeg trodde aldri jeg skulle si det her, men jeg tror jeg vil ha et par silkebukser med galaksetrykk, i likhet med Ingvild. Så jeg søkte opp "galaxy print pants" og jammen meg var ikke de herlig buksene til venstre det første som kom opp. Risto Bimbiloski står bak og om du har 3500 kr til overs synes jeg du bør kjøre på. For en icebreaker!
I never thought I would say this, but I really want a pair of galaxy print silk pants! So I typed "galaxy print pants" into Google and the left pair was the first thing I saw. They're by Risto Bimbiloski and if you have $674 to spare, you should definitely go for it. What an icebreaker!
I never thought I would say this, but I really want a pair of galaxy print silk pants! So I typed "galaxy print pants" into Google and the left pair was the first thing I saw. They're by Risto Bimbiloski and if you have $674 to spare, you should definitely go for it. What an icebreaker!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
En musikkanbefaling utenom tirsdager - the xx, som debuterte med et herlig lett indiealbum og har blitt skrytt opp i skyene av Pitchfork. Konstant på repeat i en uke nå. Prøv å få det med deg.
Here's a music recommendation outside the usual tuesdays - the xx, who's debut album has been praised by Pitchfork. I've had it on constant repeat for a week now. Get your hands on it!
Here's a music recommendation outside the usual tuesdays - the xx, who's debut album has been praised by Pitchfork. I've had it on constant repeat for a week now. Get your hands on it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
That shade of green

Jeg elsker coveret til den nyeste utgaven av Cover (hehe). Akkurat den grønnfargen som jeg elsker, en dus versjon av skoggrønt, akkurat som på det herlige Acne-slipset. Og gi meg en pels nå, helst litt understated og god. Kanskje til og med grønn, som på bildet. Understated er den jo ikke.
I love the cover of the newest edition of Cover. That shade of green is amazing - a sheer version of forest green, just like the wonderful silk tie from Acne. And give me a fur NOW, preferably an understated and pretty one. Maybe even green, although that's not really understated.
I love the cover of the newest edition of Cover. That shade of green is amazing - a sheer version of forest green, just like the wonderful silk tie from Acne. And give me a fur NOW, preferably an understated and pretty one. Maybe even green, although that's not really understated.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jeg har drar til Øya straks, kanskje ses vi der og kanskje blir det litt oppdateringer underveis. Tilbake om en uke! / I'm going away to Øya, maybe I'll see you there and maybe there will be some updates along the way. Back in a week!
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