Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Musings and inspirations

Jeg elsker bilder med forvridde perspektiver og virkelighetsoppfatning. Dette er fra den nyeste utgaven av Acne Paper / I love pictures that give you a twisted perception of what's there and what's not. The photo above is from the newest edition of Acne Paper. Gotta love the earrings.

Noen ganger kan det være greit å bla gjennom favorittdesignerens eldre kolleksjoner. Match sokkene med skoene, à la Dries Van Noten F/W 2007. / Sometimes, one should go back and have a look at old collections. Match the socks with you shoes, in true Dries Van Noten F/W 2007 style.

Nå som mange bildeserier begynner å se litt triste og ukreative ut, er det greit å leke med alle muligheter. Illustrasjon i mote er forfriskende. / Now that a lot of editorials are starting to look the same and lack creativity, it's important to play around with opportunities within graphic design. Illustrations are refreshing.


Kimberley Brandsma said...

Great! Especially the Dries van Noten shoes(+ matching socks). I always like to look at older collections...

Ida said...

I'd totaly forgot about your blog. I was so pleasantly happy when I rediscovered it today! I love iT!